- the single’s artwork: thanks to Michael A, Maxime C & Erwan L
It’s been long coming but here it is… JBAG’s first single ‘X Ray Sex’ is to be released digitally in January! Although it won’t be a Kitsuné release but my good Parisian friends have agreed to let me offer the original mix as download via Le Journal.
In case you didn’t know JBAG is my studio project with Andrea Gorgerino, an Italian ex-pat also based in London. We were both resident djs at club extraordinaire BoomBox (although playing separate) and are now residents (playing together) for the events of style/fashion mag Ponystep, the latest venture of Richard Mortimer the brain behind BoomBox.
As JBAG we have remixed Kylie, Ladyhawke, Sparks, S-Express, Bunny Lake, Adam Sky, Voltaire Twins… We do all Kitsuné’s MiniMixes and are obsessed with re-editing. Well actually that is mainly me, I just looooove to rework other people’s music. With today’s modern re-editing tools, it’s now possible to drastically reshape tracks to fit your dj needs. It’s pretty amazing.
We are also involved in producing the music of many fashion shows, we do all of Vivienne Westwood’s events and other designers… I usually source the music and piece the soundtracks together, whilst Andrea expertly produces them.
I love to dj on my own but I must admit that deejaying as JBAG is always an exciting experience. With Andrea working the mixing desk like crazy, it’s unquestionable four hands do a lot more damage than two. Suddenly playing records out becomes like being in a rock band, a collective effort, so much fun.
Having first appeared in its original version in my latest cd mix ‘Kitsuné x Ponystep’, which came out in July and gathered my usual eclectic mish mash of indie disco and electro pop, ‘X Ray Sex’ features Louise Prey (ex-leader of the infamous, understand very rock’n’roll, and sadly split-up London band Ping Pong Bitches) on vocals and comes with remixes from Jolie Cherie (Paris), Kill The Hero (Osaka) and Gabriel Gabriel (London).
To celebrate the release of the single, we did launch parties in London (George & Dragon) and Paris (Chacha) last weekend. Thanks to the djs (Jolie Cherie, Dactylo & N°6, Gabriel Gabriel) and all those who joined us. Not forgetting the hosts Matthew Zorpas and Junior Parado.

Matthew Zorpas + friends © Eric Phillips

JBAG wondering what to play next © Eric Phillips

Dactylo always up for a laugh