The French Army used to have some really interesting leather handcraft gears. On the war front, you need to carry your weapon and helmet, but to handle the very long wait beteween every fights, to survive, you also need items of everyday life. From the aluminum plate to the portable inkwell, here is a preview of every items a “Poilu” needs.

The Backpack ( First picture):

1- Haversack: Contain every personal effects ( soap, clothes…) 2- Second pair of Laced boots with studded sole 3 –  Oilcloth Tent that can be use as a rain coat. 4- Picket and Nails for the tent 5- One hand axe 6- Camp blanquet 7- Aluminum plate 8- Cloth bucket

The Letter Kit:

1- A letter box to protect your mail 2- Pensil, Paper cutter and a Pensil handler. 3- Pocket Inkwell divided in 3 parts. 4- A glass portable inkwell

The Kitchen Kit:

1- Coffee grinder. 2- Fork, knives and spoons. 3- Aluminum plates. 4- Gaz boiler.

The Food Kit:

1- Phoscao box which was use to give some texture to the milk. 2- Marmelade pot. 3- Broth cube. 4- Chocolate box. 5- Yogurt Maggi.

The Personal Effects:

1- Mirror. 2- Razor. 3 – Cigarette Paper. 4- Tabaco. 5- Candle light. 6- Shoe Polish. 7- Wool Winter Gloves.

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