Meet Life In Film – Kitsuné Maison En Vrai #10 + Free download

London’s Life In Film music is the kind of light and dark mind. It’s a balance that’s either painstakingly sought for, or in Life in Film’s case, a delightfully natural outcome of their communal, often contradictory, influences.
Download for free “Suitcase” an exclusive track of Life In Film !

They will perform at Kitsuné Maison En Vrai #10 at La Maroquinerie in Paris on december 3rd, more info here.
Buy your ticket for Kitsuné Maison En Vrai #10 here or here
Follow the event Kitsuné Maison En Vrai #10 here

Is it your first gig in paris?
No, we have played in paris a few times now and we absolutly love it. The city, the venues, the fans, the food, the girls…

What do you expect from your Kitsuné Maison En Vrai gig?
We are very excited to be playing the show, we have heard great things and Kitsune has a cool reputation.

And from the Parisian crowd?
We love Parisian crowds they always make us feel welcome, they really listen and appreciate music. They always give a good cheer!

How would you describe your music?
Dark purple indie rock

What is your favourite song that you will perform? and why?
Needles and Pin’s is a band favourite to play, its our newest song and we are all full of excitement for it. Hope you like it.

Have you heard about the other bands? who you’ll attend?
No Unfortunately I haven’t had the chance to listen yet, I will check them out! So busy from tour and recording.

Three words that make you think about Paris?
Art, culture, girls

And a song?
‘Ca Plane Pour Moi’ by Plastic Bertrand

Follow Life In Film ont their website and facebook.

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