Kitsuné Meets Childish Gambino – Interview
Kitsuné meets Childish Gambino, a New York based versatile artist and also one of the biggest Rap newcomer in the US. Some of you might know him as Donald Glover, actor in the NBC show Community, he is also (and more than anything) a talented musician and rapper…
We discovered him thanks two of his tracks “I Love Clothes” and “Be Alone” where he refers to his favorite Maison Kitsuné’s Cable Cardigan (picture above)!
His first album “Camp” just came out, perfect timing to know a bit more about him.
Interview by Diane Vincent
You released your album « Camp » last month. How do you feel about it ?
I’m very proud of it. I wanted to make an album for 13 year old me, and I really feel I did. Now it’s time to be more grown up.
Did you get pleasure out of recording it ? Do you have any anecdotes to tell ?
I really liked every moment of making Camp. I remember making the sound for “Heartbeat”. It took 3 hours. We were losing it, fucking with synths trying to get something we liked. But when we found it, it took an hour to finish the rest of the song. Sometimes things click.
Is there anything that you’d like to reveal to us about this album ?
It’s a pretty insecure album. I don’t know if the next one will be like that… there will probably be some trickle, but I think I’m stronger for putting it out there.
In addition of being a writer and a musician, you are a very talented actor. How would you define yourself ?
I just wanna make stuff. I really want people to get joy from my ideas. That’s all I want. I don’t really care what form it’s in.
Which activity do you consider as the most important to you and how do you get your priorities right ?
I try not to be a slave to any one medium. It’s important to see yourself as something that’s capable of anything if you focus, work hard, and stay honest. People gravitate to true stuff. Even if that gravitation is hate.
What are your influences as an American rapper ?
Biggie, Eminem, Pharcyde, Kanye…
Why is Fashion a recurring topic through your songs ?
It’s another expression of who you are. I think the world is asking you sooner and sooner to distinguish yourself from everyone. Clothes do that. Though, lately I haven’t been up on it as much as I should…
To what extent are brands important to you ? you quote Kitsuné several times…
Everyone and everything is a brand. Brand means “I trust you”. I want Donald Glover/Childish Gambino to be a brand you can trust. Because it’s becoming increasingly hard to have a brand. No one has allegence to anything anymore. When you have a brand you trust (like Kitsuné) you don’t have to worry about the garment a week later.
How did you hear about Maison Kitsuné ?
I used to go to the department stores in NYC that I couldn’t afford in college. And I always ended up wanting to buy Maison Kitsuné. One day it was on sale, so I bought a cardigan with one of my first checks from 30 Rock. Never got that many compliments.
If you would describe your wardrobe in a few words ?
Christopher Robin.
What is your worst fashion secret?
I want velcro shoes. Badly.
What is your top 5 – Music at the moment
(in no order) Danny Brown, Purity Ring, Portishead, Watch the Throne, Italian porn soundtracks.
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