LANDCARPET By Florian Pucher

Do you remember, when you were a child, the game carpet your big brother used to play with small cars on, and you totally making a mess while he was trying to park them perfectly? Or even your Playmobil farm set? Or the view of the fields and different landscapes you have from your airplane seat? That’s what Florian Pucher’s Landcarpet remembers me except I now can have one (as an adult too) just to make a break during the day playing old stuff with nostalgia, or just to lay down and escape from the city while dreaming of countryside.

©Florian Pucher - Landcarpet/Europe

©Florian Pucher - Landcarpet/Europe

©Florian Pucher - Landcarpet/Europe

Product: LANDCARPET/Europe
Size: 1800x1200mm
Material: 100% New Zealand Wool
Produced in: China
Weight: 10 Kg

To know more about Florian Pucher, click here.


De Jeunes Gens Modernes / A.L.

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