Meet Danielle Leder, The Woman Behind Jacques Magazine

The most charming of the charm magazines, Jacques, was created by both Jonathan and Danielle Leder, a fashion photographer and an ex-model-meet-stripper.

Their peerless concept: “the porn you don’t hide from your girlfriend” describes well their anti-taboo, against vulgarity and fairness-aroused philosophy and is making many waves in newspapers stands and today’s lovers’ intimacy.

We had a the chance to talk with Danielle Leder, editor in chief, about Jacques‘ story, her notion of nudity, women’s image, and the inspirations and influences guiding her designing.

Below, you’ll find a part of her answers, refer to the end of the article* for the entire interview.

How did the idea of Jacques come to mind? 

I remember waking up one day and told my ex-husband: ”We’re starting a magazine”.  He asked, “Does it feature naked girls? “ -I think I gave him a dirty look as in” would I do anything else you moron? ”. I think he was making fun of me. He said : “Make a mock up of what you want to do and that was the beginning”.

I will say that was the one great thing about our relationship, one of us could of said “I want to go to the moon” and the other would of found a way to build it. He saw merit in my ideas and it was nice.  He never once saw me as just some pretty face.

It was hard at first because a lot of people in the beginning thought I couldn’t do it, “Wait you mean a 22 year old model /former stripper high school drop out with a GED wants to start a magazine?” – I guess it does sound a little funny…  When the first issue came out, I hid in my house for about a week. I thought people were going to hate it.  Jonathan forced me get out and start passing them out.

Photograph by David Paul Larson

Why the name Jacques?

At first we were Ritz.  It was the name of one Jonathan’s favorite magazines from the 80’s.  Then the Ritz Carlton wanted to sue us, we could have won, but it wasn’t worth the battle so we went back to the drawing board.  It took us 6 months to come up with a new name, most where taken.

After one long day of arguing over stupid names… we just fell silent and started staring at our son playing on the floor, Jonathan said, ”Jack, we call it Jack”, then I asked how the French pronounce it ?  He said “Jacques”.  No one else had the name, so we took it.

Which kind of women can pose for Jacques? Mostly models or novices too?

Any kind, as long as you have bush and I think you’re interesting and have something to say.  We’ve used models, but I prefer the novices.

There is something very seventies in the style and atmosphere of your pictures, was the vintage French magazine Lui  a source of inspiration ? 

There all a source of inspiration for me, but it’s more in the way that women were portrayed in those days not so much the style of clothing they were wearing…  I have OCD and I am really into doing things right.  I don’t go through magazines and say “we’re doing this”, I just go places and do things and meet people.  If it’s been done then I just do it better – Ha.  That sounds cocky.  My ex husband is more the one to pull swipes.

I’m actually quite excited for the next issue of Jacques.  It’s a three part series, the first part is betrayal. That’s all I’ll say other than this time around it’s all my work, Being Jonathan and I are no longer together I found that instead of using him as my vehicle, I can use myself… which is a very strange concept for me.

Photograph by Jacques Magazine

Your pictures are never retouched and airbrushed. As a woman, I think it is very hard today to like one’s own body when you are constantly confronted to the pictures of retouched 16 year old models, it is as if bodies had no texture, no skin folds ; They are not real bodies, however magazines make you think it is the norm. Is your position a reaction against that ?

I want to egg the person’s house who invented Photoshop. The girls in the magazines don’t have it easy either, imagine being 6’1’’ 120 pounds and having everyone tell you your fat.

I’m a beanpole and that’s what I heard.  I told them to fuck off.  But so many girls don’t, they starve themselves. It’s a loose/loose situation.  Someone needs to speak out against it.  I’ve lived on both sides; neither is pretty.

Do you trust that women are more beautiful naked than nicely suited up?

No it’s all confidence.  If a woman has confidence in herself, then she sexy no matter what she’s wearing.  But I prefer being nude and seeing nude women… it all ways leads to something a little more fun.  But then again, I do love undressing…

Have you ever shot French girls?

Yes, one.  But I actually want to do a whole “ Jacques goes to Paris ” issue.

Which actress would you love to undress?

That’s a tough one.  I don’t really follow that celebrity stuff.  But let’s change it to musician and I’ll say Taylor Swift.  That girl is not innocent- she just has a good PR rep.

Danielle Leder’s autoportrait

There are no male models in Jacques, is it something you have already considered and maybe even planned to do in the future, or do you want to dedicate yourself exclusively to woman?

I know, I know, I want to start adding men… but the problem is I have an obsession with hairy chested men and butt all ready cornered that market…  and what dude wants to look at some hairy man all over a naked woman? I recently started a magazine titled “Margot” it’s for the ladies and named after my daughter.  It’s currently in the works.

Would you dare to show Jacques to your grandpa?

My grandfather on my mother’s side, I owe everything to him.  He died when I was in my teens. I learned all my business ethics from him.  He was orphaned at the age of 14 and became a self-made millionaire by the time he was, I think early 30’s.  I made sure to listen to everything he said or did.

He wouldn’t of cared that it was naked girls, just that I’m running my own business and    doing something I loved.  He worked till the day he died at the head of his company; I plan on doing the same.

 Photograph by David Paul Larson

Watch IS TROPICAL “Lies” super-sensual video, directed by Jonathan Leder, co-creator of Jacques magazine and read his interview here!

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