Is Tropical Interview About "Dancing Anymore" Video And Mongolia Tour on Noisey!
Is Tropical did an interview for Noisey where they talk about their haunting music video for their upcoming single “Dancing Anymore” directed by the awesome MEGAFORCE and out next Monday as well as their trip to Mongolia where they lived incredible adventures! Read it here !
Because, yes : as usual, Is Tropical keep on going their own non-conformist way as they went all the way to Mongolia for two parties on April 22th in Darkhan City and on the 25th in Ulaanbaatar at the Iloft Function House! We heard that our friends from Noisey followed them… So keep tuned, because Is Tropical were so excited, they even learnt some Russian : check the presentation video below!
Watch “Dancing Anymore” again and again :
And pre-order their album “I’m Leaving” out May 27th here!