There is nothing quite usual about Chew Lips. Not their way of making music, or their live shows, or indeed, their inception. After doing the Indie Band Shuffle, in the spring of this year vocalist Tigs and multi-instrumentalists James Watkins and Will McDonald eventually decided to start making music together, with only one edict: not to sound like Just Another Guitar Band. Chew Lips alternately capture the yearning, impatience, beauty, confusion and impermanence of youth, with Tigs summing up the hopes and dreams of a whole generation with the fist-pumping battlecry of “we don’t want to wait, there’s no time, no time”. This is pop music alright, but pop with a gloriously vivid, almost cinematic sweep; as well as a human heart, filled with a very real sense of longing and desire, in amidst the shiny, clattering electronica.