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Balcony Magazine

Balcony Magazine

Sizing: MEN
BALCONY Red Scarves Kissing Sarah Charlesworth Balcony is a bi-annual collection of conversations with artists situated in the everyday. Each issue will contain a selection of dialogues as well as visual stories and original artworks. Sidestepping conventions of both art criticism and the artist profile, balcony presents the artist’s voice as its primary source, blurring the boundaries between the art world and the everyday. Type: Soft Cover Format: 6.5 x 9 inches Pages: 300 ISSN: 2752-3721-0-4 Issue: #2 Price: $25
  • BALCONY Red Scarves Kissing Sarah Charlesworth Balcony is a bi-annual collection of conversations with artists situated in the everyday. Each issue will contain a selection of dialogues as well as visual stories and original artworks. Sidestepping conventions of both art criticism and the artist profile, balcony presents the artist’s voice as its primary source, blurring the boundaries between the art world and the everyday. Type: Soft Cover Format: 6.5 x 9 inches Pages: 300 ISSN: 2752-3721-0-4 Issue: #2 Price: $25

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